Frequently Asked Questions

All systems sold by Leumeah Air Conditioning have a 5 years manufacturer’s warranty. For more details refer to each Manufacturer’s warranty guidelines.
  • For commercial air conditioning systems please refer to terms of Manufacturer for warranty period.
Important Information to Maintain Your Warranty! Keep a copy of your invoice Ensure your air conditioning installer is qualified and holds a current refrigeration handling license. For checking if the technician is fully licensed, you can log on to Arctick Council Website at https://www.lookforthetick.com.au/licence-check for details. Ensure operation is as per manufacturer’s instructions. Ensure the air inlet and outlet of the outdoor unit is kept clear of obstructions. Replace exhausted batteries in remote control. If your system fails, contact the manufacturer without delay.
If you have any inquiry, please email us via [email protected] or Call us on 1300 369 333.